The kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ project SEBCoVE (Smart Electricity for Buildings—Centres of Vocational Excellence), held at the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Heraklion, Crete, on April 18th and 19th, 2024, was attended by Bruno Canizes and Fábio Castro researchers at GECAD—Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation Development, Polytechnic of Porto.
The SEBCoVE objectives are to develop Centres of Vocational Excellence, supporting the Smart Specialization of their region, and establish international knowledge hubs for VET excellence systems, with the ambition to be world-class reference points for continuing upand reskilling of professionals engaged in the sector.
GECAD/IPP is the Portuguese regional coordinator and “Work Package 2 – Strategic researches” leader.
Bruno Canizes also presented an overview of all WP2 tasks and encouraged and led the discussion.
We are glad to announce that the next SEBCoVE meeting will be held in Porto. Stay tuned!