Call for Competition on Electric Energy Consumption Forecast Adopting Multi-criteria Performance Metrics

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March 17th-20th – Trondheim, Norway (SSCI 2025)

Organized by Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP)

Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP): Luis Gomes, Zita Vale, Pedro Faria, João Soares

Important: The use of the software platform is prohibited for purposes other than competition without a prior authorization of the organizing team.

Results Published: (TBD)

Final Rank Results


Competition Outline

Forecasting of electric energy consumption can be a very difficult tasks when handling building-level data. However, an accurate forecast is needed to boost the potential of energy management systems. The need to forecast energy consumption grows as our reliance on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, grows. This means that to meet consumer demand with renewable energy generation, energy management systems must operate based on accurate energy forecasting models for both short and long-term periods. Energy consumption forecasting techniques that can manage a variety of scenarios, including varying prediction timeframes, accessible data, data frequency, and even data quality, have been the subject of intense research. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, where certain situations call for different approaches. The goal of this competition is to compile and evaluate the most recent advances in energy consumption forecasting techniques.

Competition goals

Obtain accurate electric energy consumption forecast for a smart building based on historic data regarding overall and area electric energy consumption, weather information, external temperature, rooftop photovoltaic panels generation, other sensors data (e.g. movement, CO2). The competition targets both forecasting methods and data pre-processing methods aiming at providing a good environment for discussion and comparison of results of the different approaches used by the applicants.


The organizers will provide raw data regarding a smart building. One year of historical data with 5 minutes sampling will be provided 2 months ahead of the competition week to enable the participants to get familiar with the data and their format, performing some experiences, and creating the initial models.

Two weeks before the competition week, historical data for the following 40 days will be provided, to enable applicants to refine their models.

Finally, the competition will be held during a full business week (i.e. 5 working days). For each competition day, applicants must submit their consumption forecasts for the following day in periods of 15 minutes. Immediately after the daily submission deadline, the real data from the forecasted day will be provided and can be used to generate the forecast for the next competition day.

Applicants are free to use or not to use data pre-processing. Applicants can use the same forecasting model for the whole competition week or use different models for each competition day and period.

All competition rules will be presented in detail in the “Competition guidelines” document that will be made available in the competition website.

How to submit an entry

When registering for participating in the competition, each applicant must submit general information including: names and affiliations of the authors (more than one author, i.e. a team, can participate under the same application) and the respective institutional email addresses. One author must be designated as the corresponding applicant.
For each competition day, each applicant is requested to submit the files with their results, the source codes used (or instructions to access a webserver to run those codes) to compute the forecast and the pre-processed data (pre-processing is not mandatory and raw data can be used). In case data pre-processing is used, the training data set obtained after the pre-processing phase must also be submitted. All the information should be provided into a zipped folder named
In the last competition day, applicants must submit a small report with the most important information regarding their work for the competition. This report must include a declaration of authorship for all the source codes used and/or citation of any third party bibliographic or code used.
Detailed instructions regarding how to submit a submission will be made available in the “Competition guidelines” document that will be made available in the competition website.

The zipped folder must be summited to;,,, by 07 March 2025 (anywhere on Earth)

Important Remarks

– Notice that submission of papers or assistance to SSCI by competition participants is not mandatory.

– You can submit a paper to the:

IEEE CIETES – IEEE Symposium on CI for Energy, Transport and Environmental Sustainability | Link

– You are also welcome to submit short descriptions of your algorithms and results as 2-page papers to be included in the SSCI. This is voluntary — The submission deadline is September 22nd, 2024.



Submit your results by March 07th 2025 (anywhere on earth)


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