COLORS presented project results during GECAD Energy Projects Event 2022
Between April 26th and 27th, COLORS team presented the results of the project during a workshop organized at ISEP, in Porto. After four years of the project, the presentations and interaction/discussions with the many participants, from different nationalities, that attended the event were very rich, arousing the interest of several participants.
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COLORS published two paper on Energy Reports
COLORS team had two paper, one titled “Clustering Distributed Energy Storage Units for the Aggregation of Optimized Local Solar Energy” and the second titled “Application of Distinct Demand Response Program During the Ramping and Sustained Response Period” accepted for publication, and will be published in Energy Reports, an open access journal, on June 2022. The papers are already available online.
For more information click here and here.
COLORS presented project results during EEIC 2021
EEEIC2021 is the 21nd annual conference of the International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering, a long-running conference that has become through the years one of the largest professional networking and educational event of its kind in Europe. It was hold between September 7th and 10th 2021, in Bari, Italy.
During this conference, COLORS team presented project results in a talk titled “Finding the Trustworthy Consumers for Demand Response Events by Dealing With Uncertainty”.
For more information please click here.
COLORS team published a paper on Energy Informatics journal on April 2021
COLORS had a paper, titled “A methodology for energy key performance indicators analysis” accepted and published during April 2021 in the Energy Informatics journal, which is an online interdisciplinary open access journal.
For more information click here.
COLORS team wrote a chapter in the book “Artificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Internet of Things Issues”, which will be published on December 1st, 2020
COLORS team collaborated with other researchers and specialists who are interested in the use and integration of IoT and Artificial Intelligence technologies to publish a book that discusses intelligent techniques for the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Internet of Things.
COLORS team were responsible for the Chapter 14, titled “Intelligent Energy-Oriented Home”, of the book named “Artificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Internet of Things Issues” 1st edition.
For more information, please, click here.
COLORS presented project results during ISGT-Europe
The 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe is a conference that, in its 2020 edition, had as theme the “Smart Grids: key enablers of a green power system”. It was a virtual hold between 26-28 October 2020.
On October 26th COLORS team presented project results during a talk titled “Energy Consumption Management in Buildings in the Context of Voluntary and Mandatory Demand Response Programs in Smart Grids”
For more information please click here.
Paper presented by COLORS team members received a prize from ICEER2020
During the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER2020), the paper “Online Estimation and Use of Price Elasticity of Demand for Shifting Loads Through Real-Time Pricing”, written by Pedro Faria, Pierfrancesco Corsi and Zita Vale, received a Prize for the best paper in the category of “Energy”.
Results from COLORS project were presented during EEM 2020
The International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) is a well-established international conference in Europe concerning energy markets and had its 17th edition between September 16th and 18th in a virtual conference room due to the SARS-CoV-2.
During the conference, Cátia Silva and Débora de São José presented COLORS results during two talks, the first one titled “Rating the Participation of Electricity Consumers in Demand Response Events” and the second one titled “KPI for Managing and Controlling a Demand Response System: A Testing Framework for End Users”.
For more information please click here.
COLORS team presented project results during ICEER 2020
The International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) is a privileged space to discuss current issues related to Energy and Environment and had its 7th edition between September 14th and 17th in a virtual conference room due to the SARS-CoV-2.
During the conference, Pedro Faria presented COLORS results during a talk titled “Online Estimation and Use of Price Elasticity of Demand for Shifting Loads Through Real-Time Pricing”.
For more information please click here.
Recorded sessions and presentations of the Online Training Course on Machine Learning, Agent-based Systems, and Optimization in Power and Energy
COLORS team presented characteristics of the project, developments and some research results during Parte II – Sessions 1-4 of the “Online Training Course on Machine Learning, Agent-based Systems and Optimization in Power and Energy”. The content of the course can be downloaded in the links bellow.
Part I Session 1: Machine learning methods: a general overview (Carlos Ramos) – ppt & video
Part I Session 2: Multi-Agent Simulation and Emulation in Power and Energy (Zita Vale)
Part I Session 3: Machine learning methodologies and strategic behaviour in electricity market negotiations (Tiago Pinto) – ppt & video
Part I Session 4: Multi-agent based real-time infrastructure for energy: modelling and simulation of a farm microgrid (Pedro Faria) – ppt & video
Part I Session 5: Open discussion and closing remarks (Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale, Tiago Pinto, and Pedro Faria) – video
Part II Session 1: Metaheuristics methods and basics of evolutionary techniques for optimization algorithm (João Soares) – ppt & video
Part II Session 2: Handling specific heuristics and adaptations of complex optimization program in the context of smart grids (Fernando Lezama) – ppt & video
Part II Session 3: Practical experimentation and case studies in smart grids optimizations (Pedro Faria) – ppt & video
Part II Session 4: Open discussion and closing remarks (João Soares, Fernando Lezama, and Pedro Faria) – video
All recorded sessions: videos
Free Online Training Course on Machine Learning, Agent-based Systems, and Optimization in Power and Energy
14h00 – 19h15 (WEST) Friday 03-Jul-2020
This online training course is divided in two parts: Machine Learning and Agent-based Systems in Power and Energy, and Evolutionary Optimization Methods and Applications in Power and Energy. The first part will be presented by Professor Zita Vale (Full Professor at ISEP/P.Porto), Professor Carlos Ramos (Full Professor at ISEP/P.Porto), Dr. Tiago Pinto (Invited Professor at ISEP/P.Porto), and Dr. Pedro Faria (Invited Professor at ISEP/P.Porto) considering their work developed under MAS-Society project. The second part will be presented by Dr. João Soares, Dr. Pedro Faria (Invited Professor at ISEP/P.Porto), and Dr. Fernando Lezama, considering their work developed under CENERGETIC, and COLORS projects. This training course is online and free of charge. The participants who attend will receive certification.
Program: here.
Free but mandatory registration: here.
Book published by COLORS team members
The book “Distributed Energy Resources Management 2018” was published in January 2020 in Energies, Volume 12. It corresponds to 14 selected papers edited by Pedro Faria and Zita Vale.
For more information click here
Paper published in Sensors’ Special Issue Architectures and Platforms for Smart and Sustainable Cities
Paper titled “Consumption Optimization in an Office Building Considering Flexible Loads and User Comfort” was published in Sensors as part of the Special Issue Architectures and Platforms for Smart and Sustainable Cities byCOLORS team in January 2020.
For more information click here
Results from COLORS project were presented during ISAP 2019
ISAP – Intelligent System Applications to Power System organized the 20th ISAP Conference in New Delhi, India, between December 10th and December14th .
During the conference, Pedro Faria presented COLORS results during three talks, the first one titled “Defining the Optimal Number of Demand Response Programs and Tariffs Using Clustering Methods” on December 12thand the other two titled “Air Conditioning Consumption Optimization Based on CO2 Concentration Level” and “CO2 Concentration Forecasting in an Office Using Artificial Neural Network”, both on December 13th.
For more information please click here
COLORS presented project results during SEST 2019
The SEST is a conference that offers the opportunity to discuss various engineering challenges of smart energy system design and operation by focusing on advanced methods and practices for designing different components and their integration within the grid. The SEST 2019 took place in Porto, Portugal, between September 9th and 11th.
On September 9th, Pedro Faria presented COLORS results during two talks, the first one titled “Elasticity Parameter Definition and Analysis for Real – Time Pricing Remuneration Basing on Different Users Cases” and the second one named “Optimizing Lighting in an Office for Demand Response Participation Considering User Preferences”.
For more information please click here
COLORS presented project results during EPIA 2019
The EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence is a well-established European conference in the field of AI and had its 19th edition, EPIA 2019, in Vila Real between September 3rd and 6th.
COLORS results have been presented in a talk titled “Demonstration of an Energy Consumption Forecasting System for Energy Management in Buildings” on September 6th.
For more information please click here
Two papers presented by COLORS team project during the 16th DCAI in Ávila, Spain
The International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence is an annual forum that brings together ideas, projects and lessons associated with distributed computing and artificial intelligence, and their application in different areas. The 16th DCAI was hold in Ávila, Spain, between June 26th and 28th.
During the conference Pedro Faria presented COLORS results during a talk titled “Study of Multi-Tariff Influence on the Distributed Generation Remuneration” and Mahsa Khorram also presented COLORS results during a talk named “Lighting Consumption Optimization in a SCADA Model of Office Building Considering User Comfort Level”.
For more information please click here
COLORS participated in PowerTech 2019 in Milano Italy
PowerTech is the anchor conference of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) in Europe and provides a forum for researchers and engineers involved in electric power and energy engineering to share ideas and results. 13th IEEE PowerTech 2019 was fold in Milano, Italy, between June 23th and 27th.
Zita Vale presented COLORS results in a talk titled “Influence of Combining Real-time and Fixed Tariffs in the Demand Response Aggregation and Remuneration Scheems Definition” on June 24th.
Pedro Faria also presented COLORS results during a talk titled “Modeling of Consumer Preferences and Constraints for the Optimal Schedule of Consumption Shifting” on June 24th.
For more information please click here
Workshop organization, ADRESS 2019
COLORS will organize a workshop on Advances on Demand Response and Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grids (ADRESS) in16th International conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI). The event will be held on 26th-28th June, 2019 in Ávila, Spain.
For more information please click here.
Special section organization, IEEE CIASG 2019
COLORS will organize a special section on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid (IEEE CIASG) in IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence conference (SSCI). The event will be held on 6th-9th December 2019 in Xiamen, China.
For more information please click here.
COLORS wordmark
The COLORS wordmark has been released.
Kick-off, June 15th, 2018
COLORS team met on June 15th, 2018, for the project kick-off.