Workshop “Operação de Sistemas de Distribuição com Alta Participação de Recursos Energéticos Distribuídos”
February 11 2022
Workshop Registration: Please register at the following link.
The Workshop “Operation of Distribution Systems with High Participation of Distributed Energy Resources” is organized by LaPSEE, UNESP with the participation of GECAD/ISEP in the framework of the CENERGETIC project (Coordinated ENErgy Resource manaGEment under uncerTainty considering electrIc vehiCles and demand flexibility in distribution networks).
The workshop is free, but registration is required.
- 9h00: Opening Session
- Prof. Dr. Rúben Romero UNESP
- 9h15: Technical & non-technical considerations to account for when designing EV charging schemes
- Dra. Nataly Bañol Arias, University of Twente
- 9h45: Estratégia de operação de um agregador de parking lots de veículos elétricos em um mercado local
- Me. Enielma Cunha da Silva, UNESP
- 10h15: Planejamneto integrado de redes de distribuição de energia e estações de carregamento de veículos elétricos
- Dr. Mario Andrés Meija Alzate, UNESP
- 11h00: Analysis of the performance in the 2021 CEC-GECCO-PESGM competition on evolutionary computation in the energy domain
- Dr. João Soares, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 14h00: A bi-level optimization approach for finding optimal bidding in LEM: ideas and challenges
- Dr. Zahra Forouzandeh, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 14h30: Reconfiguração ótima de sistemas de distribuição para maximizar a penetração de fontes de geração renováveis
- Dr. Juan Manuel Home, UNESP
- 15h00: Optimal energy management of microgrids including uncertainty
- Me. Seyed Farhad Zandrazavi, UNESP
Please note that the time indicated is from Brazil (São Paulo state). Therefore, it will be 3 more hours in Portugal (from 12h to 19h Portugal).
Workshop on Energy Flexibility in Smart Buildings and Smart Grids
December 10 2021

Workshop Registration: Please register at the following link.
The CENERGETIC/BeNeFiCE Workshop is an integrated event labelled “Workshop on Energy Flexibility in Smart Buildings and Smart Grids”. This workshop was held on the premises of School of Engineering (ISEP) of Polytechnic of Porto, namely in GECAD – Research Group on Intelligent Engineering, and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development.
Participants from UNESP, São Paulo joined the discussion and presented their ideas on the topics of the project. CENERGETIC is a FCT-funded project proposed by GECAD/ISEP in cooperation with UNESP from Brazil that aims to address a relevant societal problem by improving the integration of renewable energy resources and electric vehicles (EVs) in smart grids. BeNeFiCE is a project, proposed by GECAD/ISEP that aims to address a relevant societal problem by improving the integration of renewable energy resources, consumption flexibility, storage system, EVs, and flexible contracted power in collective residential buildings.
The workshop was an opportunity to discuss some of the developments of both projects and get to know the opinion of experts working on related topics and issues. This workshop was free and welcomed the public audience from students, professors, practitioners in the industry to join the discussion.
- 9h00 Reception / Registration
- 9h30 – 9h40 Opening Session
- Prof. Sérgio Ramos, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 9h40 – 9h50 Overview and progress of CENERGETIC project
- Dr. João Soares, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 9h50 – 10h10 Bidding Strategies in Local Energy Markets
- Dr. Fernando Lezama, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 10h10 – 10h30 Optimal expansion planning of smart distribution power networks: Deterministic vs Stochastic approaches
- Dr. Bruno Canizes, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 10h30 – 10h50 Networking and Coffee-Break
- 10h50 – 11h10 A New Bi-Level Formulation Method for Optimal Bidding in Local Electricity Markets
- Dr. Zahra Forouzandeh, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 11h10 – 11h30 Implementation of risk-based analysis using conditional value-at-risk for a robust energy resource scheduling
- José Almeida, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 11h30 – 11h50 Overview of Distribution Systems Expansion Planning Including Distributed Energy Resources
- Tayenne Lima, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 11h50 – 12h10 Probabilistic Algorithm considering Confidence Intervals Levels of Voltages for Optimal Probabilistic Grid Operation under a High Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation and Electric Vehicles
- Luis Gustavo, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 12h10 – 14h10 Lunch-Break
- 14h20 – Opening
- Dr. João Soares, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 14h30 – 14h40 Overview and progress of BeNeFICE project
- Prof. Sérgio Ramos, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 14h40 – 15h00 The opportunities for EV in local energy communities – A local electricity market between prosumers and EVs
- Ricardo Faia, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 15h00 – 15h20 Mathematical programming approaches for residential buildings in the BeNeFICE project
- Dr. Zahra Forouzandeh, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 15h20 – 15h40 The contribution of artificial intelligence towards smart building energy management
- Prof. Tiago Pinto, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 15h40 – 16h00 Networking and Coffee-Break
- 16h00 – 16h20 Distributed Renewable Generation and local Energy Communities Regime
- Eng. Gilberto Mariz, DGEG
- 16h20 – 16h40 Coordinating P2P market and distribution grid operation
- Dr. Tiago Soares, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science
- 17h00 Close session
For more information please contact: or
Location: GECAD is settled at the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP), on R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431, 4200-072 Porto. The workshop will take place in Building E in “Sala de Atos”.
Check here to see the map.
Electric Vehicle Research Workshop
October 3 2020
The Electric Vehicle Research Workshop was a three day integrated workshop “Operação de Modernos Sistemas de Distribuição: Desafios, Propostas e Ferramentas”. This workshop has been held on the premisses of UNESP with the contribution of School of Engineering (ISEP) of Polytechnic of Porto, respectively GECAD – Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development). This workshop was held virtually and had about a total number of 40 participants.
- 9h00 Reception / Registration
- Prof. Dr. Rubén Romero, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 9h15 Electric vehicles and network integration
- Dr. João Soares, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 9h45 Probabilistic power flow for the integration of energy resources in the system of distribution
- Me. Luís Gustavo Cordero, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 10h30 Computational intelligence applications for the energy sector
- Dr. Fernando Lezama, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 11h00 Optimal allocation of electric vehicle starging stations in distribution systems of electricity
- Me. Tayenne Dias de Lima, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 11h30 Transactive Energy Distribution Systems: Plugging into the Market of the Future
- Dr. Carlos Sabillón, Ryerson University
- 12h00 Closing
I Luso-Brazilian Workshop
Registration mandatory please register here in this link
This first Luso-Brazilian workshop will be held on the premises of School of Engineering (ISEP) of Polytechnic of Porto, namely in GECAD – Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development), where the Portuguese team is hosted. Participants from UNESP, São Paulo, will be travelling to the Portuguese partner to join the discussion and present their ideas on the topics of the project. CENERGETIC is a FCT funded project proposed by GECAD/ISEP in cooperation with UNESP from Brazil that aims to address a relevant societal problem by improving the integration of renewable energy resources and electric vehicles (EVs) in smart grids. The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss some of the developments of the project and get to know the opinion of experts working on related topics and issues. This workshop is free and welcomes the public audience from students, professors, practitioners in the industry to join the discussion.
- 14h00 – 14h30 Participants registration and networking
- 14h30 – 14h40 Opening session
- João Soares, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- Goreti Marreiros, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 14h40 – 15h00 CENERGETIC in a glance and first-year progress
- Joao Soares, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- Ruben Romero, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 15h00 – 15h20 Overview of the application of the metaheuristics used in the optimization of electric power systems.
- Ruben Romero, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 15h20 – 16h00 HyDE-DF: a new evolutionary algorithm for optimization in smart grids
- Fernando Lezama, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 16h00 – 16h30 Networking and coffee break
- 16h30 – 16h50 Research on electric vehicles developed at LAPSEE
- John Fredy Franco, UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil
- 16h50 – 17h10 Distribution Network Operation and Reconfiguration in a Smart Grid Context Using Dynamic-Based EV Charging Price
- Bruno Canizes, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 17h10 – 17h30 Cyber Security for Smart Grids Connected to Renewable Energy
- Bruno Ferreira, Vestas Wind Systems, Portugal
- 17h30 – 17h50 Energy resource management in a building context
- Sérgio Ramos, GECAD, ISEP, Politécnico do Porto
- 17h50 – 18h00 Closing
How to get here: link
Workshop SmartEA@GECCO2019
2019 – Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms for Smart Grids (SmartEA), at GECCO 2019 in Prague, July 13th-17th 2019 (35 participants) (check here)
2019 – “I Workshop Pesquisas sobre Veículos Elétricos no LAPSEE”, 16th February 2019, Ilha Solteira, UNESP, Brazil (14 participants) – (Presentations here)