BeNeFICE team is composed by researchers from Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) at School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto (P. Porto).

- Sérgio Ramos (Principal Investigator in ISEP/GECAD team), Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn ResearchGate
- João Soares (Co-Principal Investigator), Auxiliary Researcher, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn ResearchGate
- Pedro Faria (Researcher), Auxiliary Researcher, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn ResearhGate
- Bruno Canizes (Researcher), Senior Researcher, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn ResearchGate
- Zahra Forouzandeh (Researcher), Senior Researcher, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn ResearchGate
- Juliana Chavez (Researcher), BSc. Scholarship Researcher, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn ResearchGate
- Isabel Praça Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn ResearchGate
- Maurício Dias Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic of Porto
- António Gomes Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic of Porto – LinkedIn