

Sustainable Atlantic Communities

The main objective of SAtComm is to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by empowering citizens to play a central role in the clean energy transition and become “prosumers” – communities that both produce and consume energy. To achieve this, the project team will utilise smart energy systems – including smart grids and information and communications technology systems and related storage – to develop and implement technologies that will enable citizens, including residential, SME and industrial entities, to mobilise as groups into Energy Communities. The goal then is for the Energy Communities to employ smart energy mechanisms such as peer to peer trading, demand side management, load shifting, and battery storage.

While new EU Directives have been implemented which place citizens at the centre of the clean energy transition, each EU jurisdiction is transposing these into law in a different manner, hampering the potential Energy Communities can have on the transition. SAtComm will assess the regulation in the 4 Atlantic Areas of Ireland, France, Portugal and Spain, and develop and implement technologies that suit all jurisdictions.

Sérgio Ramos

Project Coordinator

  • Walton Institute at South East Technological University (UK)
  • Údarás na Gaeltachta (IE)
  • UDC – Universidade da Coruña (ES)
  • Greenvolt (PT)
  • Agence Locale d’Énergie du Centre-Ouest Bretagne (FR)
  • Reseaux Breton de Agences Locales (FR)
  • Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
  • Universidad de La Laguna (ES)
  • Energy Research and Intelligence Solutions SLU (ES)

€ 3 211 539,22

Total Budget

€ 350 000

GECAD Budget

Remaining time
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