GECAD (Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development) based in ISEP is a research center whose the mission is “the promotion and development of scientific research in the Knowledge and Decision Sciences domains”. Intelligent Systems and Power Energy Systems are the principal focus of GECAD. This center is recognized by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) and is the largest Research and Developement unit of Polytechnic of Porto. GECAD has nearly 85 researchers and it was already involved in more than 60 R&D projects being recognized worldwide thanks to the contributions for the scientific community.
Website: www.gecad.isep.ipp.pt Contact: 228 340 511

ISEP is the Engineering cluster that belongs to the Polythecnic of Porto, having several engeneering departments such as Civil, Electrical, Geotechnical, Computing, Mechanical, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Organization and Management. This institution has some R&D centers, with GECAD being the largest one.
Website: www.isep.ipp.pt Contact: 22 83 40 500

With more than 20 years of experience in the market, DouroAzul is a portuguese river cruise company being considered the leader in Portugal in that sector. The company organizes river cruises along Douro Valley and sightseeing cruises in the city of Porto. DouroAzul has already conquered some recognitions in the sector such as World Travel Market Global Award in 2013 and the Europe’s Leading River Cruise Company in 2014 and in 2016.
Website: http://www.douroazul.com E-mail: geral@douroazul.pt Contact: 223 402 500

Polytechnic of Porto (previously called Polytechnic Institute of Porto) is the fifth high school institution with more students in Portugal and contains several clusters, namely Engineering, Accounting and Business, Education, Music and Performance Arts, Management and Technology, Health, Hospitality and Tourism, Management and Industrial Studies and a Media Arts and Design cluster. For The Route project were involved the engineering cluster (ISEP), accouting and business cluster (ISCAP), Education cluster (ESE), Health cluster (ESS) and the Hopsitality, Tourism cluster (ESHT) and the Music and Performance Arts cluster (ESMAE).
Website: www.ipp.pt E-mail: ipp@ipp.pt Contact: 225 571 000

The Polythecnic Institute of Viana do Castelo located in the Alto Minho area is a Higher Education Institute whose the goal is to develop a continuous human, cultural, scientific, technical and professional training. This Institute has several clusters, namely Education, Agrarian , Technology and Management, Health, Business Sciences and Sports and Leisure.
Website: www.ipvc.pt E-mail: geral@ipvc.pt Contact: 258 809 610

The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) is the national public agency that supports the research in fields as science, technology and innovation. With the goal to turn Portugal into one of the best references in the innovation, technological and science areas, the mission of FCT is to promote the growth of the Scientific and Technological knowledge in Portugal. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education is the one who tutelage FCT agency.
Website: www.fct.pt Contact: 213 924 300